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If The Asteroid Hadn't Wiped Out The Dinosaurs All Those Years Ago...

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sandyRoe | 10:56 Thu 28th Mar 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

...what would the world be like now?

Would they have evolved into intelligent lizard people?



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Word has it that the largest, like Brontosaurus already had two brains to control their vast bodies so, yes, it would appear so.

Apologies, forgot to add 😏

I saw a horizon type program on this years ago and yes they think that is is possible that some dinosaurs my well have evolved intelligence.

The idea of intelligence emerging in several biological groups at once is explored in "Enterprise", star trek TOS prequel. The planet Xindus had various intelligent groups, Mammals, reptiles, insects, avians and even aquatics.

They would need bigger houses.

No need to invent the sherry glass either.

I suspect that multiple entities which are intelligent and also capable of modifying their environment (e.g. gifted with manipulating appendages) would not co-exist on one planet. One species would become dominant and keep the others for food or labour.

We may have intelligent species on Earth (e.g. dolphins, whales...) but they occupy a niche (underwater) where we have only recently had the capacity to destroy them.

Cold-blooded entities would love to bask in the sunshine that you always bring, Atheist.

According to David Icke they evolved into the Royal Family 😆

We are only in charge of the planet until the felines get themselves the opposable thumb.

Many have it, many don't need it.  They will rule supreme.  


Dinosaur sausages and steakes. Now theres a thought.

oh golly, some political content, I haven't seen that on AB for several minutes.

I've asked for your post to be removed, jno.

The use of 'golly' is offensive and should go the way of the dinosaurs, kicked out on it's asteroid, if you will. 😉

I can see it's a saur point with you.

If they hadn't evolved sufficient intelligence in the time they dominated it's very unlikely they'd have done so in the short time since.


Seems more of a reset, start again, scenario.

I watched a documentary on this, and sadly even before the asteroid struck earth, the dinosaurs existence was already in decline, and we're struggling to feed themselves. 


I think it was only going to be a thousand or so years before they became extinct anyway, or that's how I read it. 


Obviously the asteroid sped up events, and sealed their fate. 

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