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Seen It All Now

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nailedit | 18:02 Wed 10th Apr 2024 | ChatterBank
17 Answers

Been in a charity shop today...

Had a security guard on the door fgs!!



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They must have seen you coming.


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New offence on the books about assaults and abuse for people working in retail. Seeing the drug addled zombies roaming the streets I am not surprised.

Well, it is Hanley!

I suppose they get robbed like anyone else.

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It was the Dougie Mac in Stoke Tills...

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But Hanley wont be far behind.


It's when they allow armed security - that is security with one or two arms, God help us.

I was about to post that the Dougie Mac in Stoke has a security guard until I realised that this is indeed the shop to which you are referring.

It's a sad indictment on society, that people would rob from a charity shop.

I find that hard to believe as well a-h, but people have moved so far from what were basic mores in society now. I  really fear for my grandchildren.  Desperately sad.

By the way,nice to see you posting again nailedit.

I was in our local town this week & it seemed half of the charity shops (3 or 4 of 7 or 8) have closed down. Dunno why - overkill?

jourdain - // I find that hard to believe as well a-h, but people have moved so far from what were basic mores in society now. I  really fear for my grandchildren.  Desperately sad. //

Please check out the 'Seen It All - Part Two' thread I have started, for further evidence of the decline in simple respect for others' property, and abuse of their goodwill.

I've known of people stealing books selling at 5 or 10 pence from a church stall.  I can only hope they gained some benefit - if only it was a little education.

Security will also be found in the Pound Shops. 

And libraries during school holidays, because of gangs of unpleasant feral kids 

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