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Toulouse Sausages

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pitstopbunny | 21:34 Sun 15th Oct 2006 | Food & Drink
2 Answers
Further to my previous question, I would now like to know, what is the differnce between a Brittany 'market' Saucisson and a Toulouse sausage?
For those of you that have been to a market stall in Brittany, you will probably have tried the sauscisson cr�pes, this is what I am trying to recreate!


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I've never had a saucisson cr�pe but saucisson is a very hard and dried kind of sausage which french people generally eat cold cut into very fine slices. A Toulouse sausage is what goes into cassoulets ie cooked and served hot. it's really like a good english sausage.
Hope this helps
After surfing a few sites there are quite a few which mention saucisson � l'ail, that's garlic sausage which is just a cooked garlic sausage. Any help?

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Toulouse Sausages

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