Hi, I crashed and wrote off my car last week - 1 other car involved, it was my fault. I was later told that because I hadn't declared the 3 points on my licence (i didn't know i had to!) my insurance would be invalid. So, my problem is this - a) i'm worried about being found out and b) i don't know how i can get car insurance again? I've been told that if i get insurance through another company and declare my points they will let my old insurance company know? Therefore i will have to wait until the points come off my licence - (they've been on for just over a year) before i can take out another policy. My old policy has already ended and my car was written off anyway. So, could anybody who works in car insurance please advise me on what to do?? Tammy x
you must tell your insurance company if you have had any accidents or receive any points,usually for the previous 5 yrs. if you dont it does make your insurance invalid like you have found out to your cost.of course you will be able to get insurance again,but it will cost you more money,just tell the truth on all the questions asked of you and you should be fine,but never lie to them because it all goes on your file,amd most insurance companies can find out your history.
But i did lie! (not knowingly) and now they've paid out for my car and i daren't tell them. if i do i will personally have to pay out for mine - and theirs.
If i don't tell them as i can't afford to pay how can i get insurance again??
you said you wrote off your car last week and now the insurance company have paid out, well that must be the fastest settlement in history. if you lied to your insurance company then fear the worst. most are now computer linked . you may or may not get found out. but if you do, it is entirely your fault for lying in the first place.
Does it state in your insurance policy small print that you must tell them when you have got any points on your licence. If it does then I'm afraid it was up to you to point that out. if it doesnt on the other had (I'd be very surprized) then you may have a case.
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For anyone who works in car insurance please help!