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People Really Enjoy Been An Alcoholic

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nailedit | 16:33 Sun 26th May 2024 | ChatterBank
28 Answers

Fell of the wagon a few weeks ago.

Since then Ive been mugged and had my phone stolen, been arrested with a court date, woken up in hospital multiple times, ruined no end of clothing by falling down and tearing them, body bruised and scarred by the same, lost my rucksack with personal information documents and other stuff  in it, now have to lay in a bed soaked in sweat until I can get a drink to calm down the effects of alcohol withdrawell, same with dry wretching, itching, shakes etc.

Yeah. Really enjoying this!



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I do have an appointment with drug and alcohol services tomorrow.

Just wished that people wouldnt think that addicts actually enjoyed been addicts.

Its a nightmare that im constantly truing to escape from.

I'm absolutely sure you don't want to be an alcoholic nailedit. You want to change, you know how to do it and you know of all the support services there for you. You've done it once and you can do it again.  Good luck with your appointment tomorrow.

All the best , nailedit.

We know you don't like it, nailedit -- but you also know that you liked being sober. I and others can do more than remind you of this.  You found being sober worth the pains of withdrawal once. Why not try again. x

How did your appointment go yesterday nailedit?

Not a disappointment I hope.  xx

There must surely be times when it is simply impossible to obtain alcohol. No money, no one will buy it for you, broken leg, laid up in bed with severe flu, or stuck on a remote farm 20 miles from the nearest village. Do addicts simply die from inability to drink alcohol?

I feel sorry and it must be very, very, very difficult to stop, but want other alternative is there than at least trying to get emergency help.

Only nailedit can help himself,five.What does he expect from us ABers?Him and him alone can only get him out of this situation.

We can lend an ear, keep him distracted, help him feel less alone.  Not a lot we can do but something can be better than nothing 

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