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aeronut | 14:58 Thu 06th Jun 2024 | Crosswords
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1ac: Drone shot added later- without it, we're lost (6,7)

I have ????i? w??????

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Bertie Wooster - 'booster' (shot added later, without; round) anag 'it were'
14:59 Thu 06th Jun 2024

Bertie Wooster - 'booster' (shot added later, without; round) anag 'it were'

I got this from crossing letters - Bertie Wooster. Don't ask me to parse (and it was my first TLS puzzle).

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Many thanks Yr Maj

Neveracrossword - I hope you've now got caught the TLS bug! 

Fleshpots, I expect not - I did it only because Lie-in King supplied the puzzle for someone! I have enough 'regular' crosswords to be going on with.

You're welcome, aeronut 😊

I've never really enjoyed the puzzle but it was Lynne's favourite, so that's why I've stuck with it.  Daft, I know.

It's a toughie and no mistake. Most weeks, for me anyway, it's more of a GK puzzle with a lot of googling of unfamiliar books and cryptic parsing of variable difficulty. I think I only keep doing it because the prize is £40 and I've won it twice! 

This was a good witty puzzle from a newer setter spreading his wings. I like the TLS puzzles - nothing wrong with obscurer authors or best-sellers from the past, both of which feature. There's also the odd £40 as Fleshpots points out.

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