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Story Books

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Vagus | 09:30 Tue 11th Jun 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

I'd appreciate some suggestions for story books suitable for a four year old boy. He has loads of books with pictures in but I'm looking for ones without pictures that can be read to him while he's snuggled up in bed.

I was thinking something along the lines of Famous Five but I've never read any of those and wonder if they might have any scary stuff in. Are David Walliams books scary, they get very good reviews?
Any ideas?? Thank you.



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Julia Donaldson books are good, plenty of rhyming which children like. The tiger who came for tea. I think David Walliams for a slightly older child.

The Gruffalo is a good one.

Famous Five too old for 4 years. Winnie the Pooh, any Julia Donaldson as previously mentioned. If there is a Smiths or good bookshop near you books are usually arranged in ages. You could also take him with you and chose togerher. Also think of some that he could also start to read them with you

Famous Five books are aimed at an older audience I think. However, Enid Blyton wrote plenty of books that would be suitable for a four year old eg The Wishing Chair Adventures. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series might also be suitable.  

I think The Wimpy Kid books are for 8 and over.  Don't forget Thomas the Tank, and The Magic Faraway Tree books.

'When we were very young' and 'Now we are 6' books of verse.  I read and learnt many of these when very small,  eg. 'How do you like to go up in a swing, Up in the air so blue, Oh I do think it's the pleasantest thing, ever a child could do.... etc..  Some black & white line illustrations. Wonderful stuff.

A.A. Milne.  ^^^^

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Thank you everyone, hadn't thought of the Enid Blyton fairly story type books. He has pretty much all of the Julia Donaldson books in picture book format.

His other grandma was a primary school head so we leave it to her to buy books for him but when he comes to stay I'd like to have a few books that he maybe hasn't heard and which will be nice bedtime stories to capture his imagination without scaring him or giving him nightmares.

Thanks again, very helpful x

Dr suess books are great at that age

he might still be a bit young for chapter books, which need you tohold the story in your head,especially if he's a relatively infrequent visitor.

my daughter went from picture dominated books (julia donaldson type) to longer but short stories She loved the pinkalicious books)

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He's coming to stay by himself for two weeks next month, so my thinking was a short chapter of something age appropriate each night might be interesting for him. Although I get your point bednobs, it's finding something suitable, those pinkalicious books look great and funnily enough his favourite colour is pink! 
Dr Zeus's, now I think we have one of those somewhere on the bookcase, will have a look 👍

We're going to Waterstones next week so I'll have a good browse and see what they have.

my 2 fave children's books ever are oi frog, sit on a log and penguin and pinecone.

The P+P one is very special to me, and in that odd way kids's books have can make my cry even just thinking about it.  I't about how somebody can have a big influence on you even when they are not there

roald dahl books have shortish chapters, and are short enough to finish in 2 weeks


^^^ george's marvellous medicine 

I was also going to say Dr Seuss books and what about the series of Mr Men books?

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Oh bednobs, I do understand where you're coming from 😕😘 I'm going to look into the books you mention and will think of you if and when I read them.

Foxy, I think he's past the MrMen books, he's a bright spark and is already reading, loves Encyclopædia type books and can tell me the names of every dinosaur ever discovered, and has a pet snail which he found in the bath!  His parents are very eco friendly and outdoorish, as are we. But thank you for your suggestion 👍😘

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