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Once Again Starmer Takes A Knife To A Gunfight.....

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ToraToraTora | 09:44 Thu 13th Jun 2024 | News
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Starmer was like a weedy schoolboy getting torn a new one my the head master....  Even with the biggest oggy in history to work with Rodders failed to land anything but a light jab.

68% say Sunak won! More of a thrashing than last time!



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Can anybody in their right mind, see Starmer and Angela Rayner, r unning our country,Frightning.
11:47 Thu 13th Jun 2024

i quite often say i don't know how the USA with 300million population, manage to whittle it down to the 'best' two of biden and trump.

i now think exactly the same about the UK.  How can these leaders be the best people we have?

Mind you, the best people probably dont go into politics ... they take their enormous brains and actually make money from them i suppose

Sumption ( LJ) is meant to have the brain the size of Jupiter,  and when I hear him, I think - "I didnt realise J was so eeny-weeny"

Business men may not be bright ( Bernard Matthews - he tried to rewrite French wills law and his  kids booted out his mistress, using - yup French Law - (You can only alienate a third) parti tiers

and  may not be able to run a ministry - Heseltine cdnt, Kate Harding cd

and remember we have learnt that charisma may be completely different to comepetence to govern

indeed PP, ideally the PM has both

"My dad was a toolmaker"!

Poor Starmer, he wasn't in on why some members of the audience laughed, & he got very mad - they had obviously seen the GB News compilation a couple of nights ago of all the times he's said that in interviews.

I can't find the compilation but this is good, (on Sunak too):

Khandro, there was a similar compilation on last week's HIGNFY - it was fun to see.

Starmers dad was a tool maker.       Boris's dad was a     ...................Fool Maker..........🤣

Breaking News re. "My dad was a toolmaker".

It now traspires that his dad owned the toolmaking factory !


and his son was the biggest tool he produced 😄

All joking aside, does anybody know what Starmer actually stands for? I don't. And if the Labour member I heard on the radio today is anything to go by, he said he didn't either (I'd post the the link, but apparently it's de rigeur not to). One of the few things we do know, presumably to the disgust of those that hate democracy, is that Labour will not be lobbying to re-join the EU.


On a wider point, and much like 2019 with the triumvirate of prats that lead Labour at the time, I'm astonished that people will traipse to their polling station and consciously vote Labour knowing they will get Sir Kneel-a-Lot and the truly, just simply dreadful, Rayner.


I feel the Tories are equally bad (same excrement, just in a slightly different pile), so I'm not voting at all.


I have never felt so disenfranchised.


At least we are having a vote on who we get. The Tory cabal picked dizzy Lizzie and Richy.


Khandro, that's been the biggest joke of this election - and Starmer keeps repeating it and  is the only one who hasn't got it.  I'm convinced he's away with the fairies. 

Deskdiary, I feel pretty much the same.  I don't want any of them.

That's akin to Bezos's son (if he has one) saying he sells books!


Prrsonally I felt what little credibility Starmer had was lost when he took a stance and said he wouldn't use private health care.


He must take his supporters for fools if he expects them to believe that a man of means would see a loved one suffer in order to take an ideological stand and not pay for them to receive swift treatment.


He lied. 



Apparently Starmer's quite nice, just dull



^^^damned by faint praise!

Starmer appears to have only one real idea & it is (of course) a hopelessly bad one; that is to add VAT to private school fees.

This will have little impact on the seriously wealthy, but for those struggling to send their kids to private school it will be the last straw and force them to send their kids into state education which is already deeply troubled. 

The Economic Policy Institute described the teacher shortage as ‘real, large and growing, and worse than we thought’ while a study of government figures by the Labour Party shows that just over 900,000 pupils are now in classrooms of more than thirty, an increase of 150,000 since 2010. An influx of pupils would make an already difficult situation worse.

Just what would be financially advantageous to the country by this move, I fail to see. 

Could some Labour supporter of this policy please enlighten me?



Rolls in state school are falling by significantly more than the forecast 40,000 who might leave the private sector:


^^ That seems to me to be a load of twaddle. The birth-rates may be falling in some demographic areas of the population but are increasing in others in line with the overall continuous yearly increase in the population.

"I can prove anything by statistics except the truth."

British politician George Canning (1770 - 1827).

"All joking aside, does anybody know what Starmer actually stands for? I don't"

i do. it's called "nothing". he's as bad if not worse than boris johnson when it comes to lying. i am not sure he even understands what the truth is. words seem to just exist to get him what he wants. 

the "dad was a toolmaker" thing is such a good example... he gave a whingeing interview yesterday saying that the audience laughed at his dad's job and accised them of snobbery. as everybody on planet earth knows, they were laughing because he says it every 10 minutes and crowbars it into everything. 

there are many people in labour whom i admire but their leader is a snake. i hate him. 

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