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Should I Start Looking For A New Job?

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abbeylee90 | 18:12 Mon 10th Jun 2024 | Jobs & Education
347 Answers

Basically my hours have been cut in selco to 24 hours for 4 weeks as I am not grasping the products with it becoming summer it is getting busy and they can't have another cashier with me so if I don't grasp within 4 weeks won't be able to have me as a cashier. I am very upset as I enjoy it.



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I've been put on shop floor and a member of staff has said am I coming off till so I'm abit suspicious 

Yes, you should start looking for a new job. You're clearly not cut out for this one.

Have you considered the council? Bin collector or painter of fences, something straightforward with not much to learn and all day to do it in.

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Abbey, did the member of staff tell you or ask you if you 'were coming off till'? If the former, it sounds as if you're perhaps not making the necessary rate of progress to be kept on there. Is the work 'on the shop floor' likely to have full-time hours? 

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He asked am I coming off the till but on rota for tills next week 

Thanks, Abbey. Well, next week you'll have to be seen to be making a lot of progress with the codes - and maybe it will all come together for you. You've been there months now, so I think it's not unreasonable for the store to expect competency. 

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Been on till 10 weeks 

Abbey, have you anything to compare yourself with - did everyone else pick up the codes much quicker, settle into the job much sooner? You mentioned one girl having her probation extended, but has anyone else been moved to a different role and had their hours cut back? 

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Yeah she did 3 times and not because of not picking up products because they didn't like her at the checkout

I don't understand that post Abbey. Can you try again please?

Thanks, Abbey - well, it sounds as if she fared a little better than you (if she didn't have her hours cut), and it worked out in the end. You've still got time (though not a lot) to turn things around.

I hope you're not on AB while at work...its not a good time when you're being moninitored



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No I'm not and I was on till at the end as there were three cashiers she didn't want us doing nothing 

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I mean I don't want to leave but is it my only option to look for a new job?

No another option would be not to be so rubbish at the job and stay there. What have you done to make that more likely?

Since you are at the halfway point, you could ask your supervisor how you are doing, and what might help you to reach your goal in 2 weeks time. That might also demonstrate your determination to improve. 

So after 130 answers you ask exactly the same question. Have u you actually read any of the answer s and acted on them or after you going for another 137 of the same?

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No just been updating you on how I'm doing and I been hit and miss. My supervisor says they just want me to know best selling 100 products 

What is it you have to know about these 100 products? Seems like a lot to commit to memory after a relatively short time.

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