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Assange - What A Farce!

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davebro3 | 02:24 Tue 25th Jun 2024 | News
32 Answers

I feel as though the UK has been suckered into this long running saga only to have a farcical outcome. "Oh well, just let him go."

Why did we even bother holding him at all? Defies belief.



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(*) Marxist definition of Justice 1970 - the good old days of rampant trots etc

" a set of civil servants (judges lawyers) behaving according to certain rules ( law, precedents)"

never thought it would come out on top of a poor set of definitions

the crimes he exposed were graver by far than any he might have committed. not a hero exactly but he did the world a service. 

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BTW - Assange looks pretty healthy considering he has been reported as being at death's door during his incarceration!

Who paid for the private jet?

Probably us.

^^^ The private jet was paid for by the Australian government, at a cost of US$520,00,  but only on the condition that Julian Assange (or his supporters) would pay the money back.  

Over half of that total has already been raised through crowd funding, including the twenty quid that I've just donated myself:

^^^ There's a '0' missing there!  (US$520,000)

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exactly ozzy. the problem was that he drew the world's attention to war crimes and despicable things being committed in the name of "western values". the USA really doesn't like to get caught doing all the horrible things that every other powerful country does.

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the crimes he exposed were graver by far than any he might have committed. not a hero exactly but he did the world a service. 

yeah but no but - that isnt a defence to a charge of Espionage.

(altho Clive Ponting had a damned good go over the sinking of the Belgrano - it was pointing the wrong way apparently = running  away)

Greta Thunberg runs around saying things like that

There is no evidence anyone was harmed as a result of a WikiLeaks publication.

If you know of anything let's hear it.

My God! give the guy a break.

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If he's paying back the Aussies for the plane fare he should be reimbursing the UK & Ecuador for our expenses.

More likely he'll sue us for violating his human rights & get a mult-million payoff!

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