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Arksided | 12:09 Sat 29th Jun 2024 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

Today at 1:00pm on Sky Arts (freeview 36) Classic albums is about A night at the Opera which includes Bo Rhap.

I'm sure I've seen it before but for me worth another look.



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If it's one of those where they play snippets of the tracks on the album in between blah blah blah, i'll not be watching. I find those sort of progs quite annoying.

thanks, i've set that to record.

I've just checked and it's as i feared. "The programme features interviews, acoustic performances and archive footage." I can't see those 'acoustic performances' being full tracks as the prog last just an hour.

Like you, Arky, i've most likely seen it or something similar and i honestly doubt whether it will contain anything i don't already know.


Forgot to add, ta for the heads up, all the same 😉

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Yes I had already seen it, not something I have my own copy of, so find it interesting when they're broken down sometimes bits may get missed so subtle in the background recording... that was made in 2005 I looked at the end as Brian and Roger are a little greyer in recent years.

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