as to why the thread from Redbel asking whether abers preferred to be buried or cremated was zapped. If it was not a suitable question for Body & Soul what the hell is? I cannot imagine how she will feel tomorrow when she sees that her reminiscences of her recently departed sister have been zapped like they were insignificant.
Can i suggest that the question is reinstated asap Ms Ed?
Not sure that it is other folk reporting - both TCL and myself and smudge had perfectly innocent answers zapped yesterday, methinks a new broom is sweeping really clean!!!!
neti at 2am in the morning it would be highly unlikely the new ed would be about to remove such a question. I defy antone to find any fault with it, the slogan advertising this site offers users the opportunity to not only ask and answer questions but to discuss topics of interest, there was nothing outside of that remit in the question or the answers. I once agin feel that the question was specifically targeted by the inbred ingrates with time on their hands and nothing to do today but maybe sign on and locate the cheapest 3 litres of cider and scrounge a few smokes.
Didnt know you smoked netti...hehe..!
but seriously,I think dresties right.Name and shame...!Surely with the use of an IP.Logger,answerbank could zap them one by one?(:-)
Why oh why then if it is a new broom sweeping clean, don't they zap out the troll who has posted on J&E and B&S with repeated Q's like some demented inmate who has just escaped?
Several ABer's have seen through her lies, and said as much, but she still comes back with the same story (well nearly the same - her age has altered each time, and the guys name she refers to). It is obviously attention seeking, it is not a genuine cry for help!!
I read that last night muffty and yes maybe it should be removed, but what do you report it as, as i have suggested in the past, 'just not necessary' is a reasonable enough option lol
The report system does not work, never has and never will; the only answer is an Editor Aware button, so when she arrives in the morning, she can remove offending questions and answers.
Typed up a reply, tried to submit and then the whole system shut down for the overhaul!!
Shame that the report facility has not been altered/changed.
Could have a "pork pies" one, lol Or how about "troll at work", and one for the sneaky 1 person - 2 usernames: "BUSTED", like there was last week when 2 abers spotted someone forgetting to change their sign in name!