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Bereavement Group

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noisynose | 03:14 Sun 30th Jun 2024 | ChatterBank
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Just an update on my return to AB

On the 11th July I shall be starting a bereavement group which is held by a local hospice.

It's a chat type group and although it was late last November when I lost my partner,and I am now over the worst of it I feel that I need to chat with others in the same situation 

Of course when I was immediately bereaved I had the best group in the world

You guys here at AB

I wouldn't be here(truly) without all of you 


It's nice to be home 




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When I lost my husband 20 years ago it was dreadful. However I met another lady in the same situation and talking to her really helped me. It's so important to talk about how you feel and talking to someone you know has gone through the same sadness is one of the best ways to cope with your sorrow. I remember when you first told us what had happened to you and my heart...
22:43 Sun 30th Jun 2024

Hi Gordon, lovely to see you posting and in such a good space .....I'm so glad we were able to help you when you were struggling after your partner died - personally I felt so helpless, reading your initial posts, I couldn't believe there wasn't some help somewhere for you .....but luckily you found some angels and now you can pay that back by helping others in similar situations....all the best for your future endeavours, lots of love Steff 🐨

Hi Gordon,I think the bereavement group is a wonderful idea! I'm still so sorry for everything that you went through but so glad that you found AB and that everyone here managed to help in some way, even if it was just listening. Sending you a special hug x

Very kind words Gordon. I’m sure all here on AB wish you well in your new endeavour. Bereavement is something we all have to deal with and your kindness and personal experience will I feel aid others somewhat going through such emotional distress.

It nice that you are on this site.

Losing a loved one hurts a lot, talking it through with others that are grieving helps the healing process for all involved. 

Well done Gordon, hope your chat group helps yourself and others.

You are so welcome here nosy/noisy/Gordon!

I'm glad to hear about the bereavement group.  Healing takes time and talking does help.  I'm just so immensely glad that you found us and we were able to help.  Big grins here that things are working out so well for you. xx


Gordon, I'm thrilled to hear how well you are coping now, I hope you get great comfort at the bereavement group, sharing your experiences and positivity will be of great benefit to you and the other members. Love and best wishes for a long and happy future x

That's good news, Gordon.

When I was bereaved it seemed odd that my life had changed in the most enormous way but life around me went on as it always had. It was bewildering.

Later, as time passed I sometimes felt guilty that I was moving on with my life, too. That was confusing.

Talking with others going through bereavement helped me enormously.  I hope it helps you, too. 

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Thank You Barry

I just need to chat to people who know how I feel (as you do too)

I still have a shadow hovering over me, which I hope the group will help to disperse 

Kind Regards 



Good to see you posting regularly again & I wish you all the best with the group.  Two years on & I'm not in a very good place, I keep thinking I should probably find someone to have a proper chat with.

Good luck with the group, I hope it works really well for you.

@15.24.Sorry to hear that LIK.I have always considered you to be the cleverest and most erudite poster on this site.No use thinking about the past.The past is gone.

ynnafymmi - thank you, but for me at least, it's not that simple.

People you love but lost aren't your past, ynna.  The love never fades and they're still with you every single day.

Well done noisynose.  You're doing a good thing.

L-I-K, so very sorry to hear that.  You are much respected and liked here, but to lose someone is always life-changing and she was such a positive force.  Yes, time you found someone to talk to.  Perhaps it is as well that Gordon posted. x


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Like you I was convinced that my life was ended after my partner died  very suddenly 

However with incredible help from here at AB and a support worker I have made it through 

Do contact your local social services 

You can self refer 

My worker has quite literally taken the problems off of my shoulders both financially and emotionally 

Please give it a try 

I promise it WILL help you 

I got over my undescribable loss

There is someone out there just waiting to take your hand if only you will take theirs 


noisynose πŸ™‚Thank you. x

So pleased you're over the worse now, noisynose. So glad you found help when you needed it. Anyone who is still grieving, please reach out for help. X

hope things get better. bereavement group is an excellent  idea

When I lost my husband 20 years ago it was dreadful. However I met another lady in the same situation and talking to her really helped me. It's so important to talk about how you feel and talking to someone you know has gone through the same sadness is one of the best ways to cope with your sorrow. I remember when you first told us what had happened to you and my heart ached for you. I'm so glad you're starting to cope and send my best wishes to you. I'd also like to send best wishes to LiK. I miss her too so please talk to us about her. It will help you I'm sure, knowing you're not alone.

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