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Tenerife Search

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Paul22118 | 12:10 Sun 30th Jun 2024 | News
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Spanish police have now abandoned their search for missing teenager in Tenerife. I wonder have they information that suggests he is alive and elsewhere with persons unknown?



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^^^^^ barry didn't say 'very mysterious' .I did .

Unsurprising given the length of time. One assumes the private search is continuing. The family will be hoping for a miracle, or at least closure. Hope they get it.

One body was found in that link, a simple fall. Tragic all the same.

I know that andres, that's why I quoted your post.

Don't worry, andres, douglas can't resist a dig.

^^apologies then x

I seem to remember Naomi weighing in about missinag persons a few years ago - the majority were found

goggling at a cracking pace, as usual I find

While going missing for a long period of time is thankfully quite rare, as of the end of March 2022 there were over 5,200 'long-term missing individuals' in the UK. These are people who have been missing for over a year. Over 1,700 of these individuals were children and nearly 3,000 were adults.

I think he slipped on  a cactus and went over a cliff -  a body of 14 d  in this heat generates quite a pong.

AS for the policia giving up - after Maddie McCann, I am amazed they even started

I wonder have they information that suggests he is alive 

No I dont think you organise a village search ( OK only 6 searchers turned up) if you know he is somewhere else

Spanith poleeth keeping up appearances? I really dont think so

Peter Pedant, //I seem to remember Naomi weighing in about missinag persons a few years ago - the majority were found//


Where and when did I say that?

Ma'am my files on what you said and then clarified later are far from complete. the upshot was that the vast majority of kids are found - not really borne out by the above

I think when judgie-baby ordered Harry to search for the missing er deleted emails ( not yours!) last week they were talking about £50 000 for five days work (150 h). - no wonder Post Office has got up to £100m.

i dont think your googling bears out or denies any such assertion that the majority of children who go missing are found - ok so there's an amount "long term" missing but unless you also state how many go idssing per year, the statistic is useless 

 ok so there's an amount "long term" missing - er 1500 that is. I was doing the "one missing child is too many: long term is too long" bit

and you are doing the "1500 missing children is OK so long as lots and lots of missing kids are found"

mind set - taking a view before the facts

and THAT is exactly what is happening in the Post Office Horizon -" it  is used 63 billion times so  there can be no bugs" a view resiled from on the morning of the first day of Bates v Post Office

Peter Pedant, that isn't something I said.   You've been told before.  Leave me out of your inane ramblings.

I get the impression that the police are still looking but are pursuing other lines of enquiry relating to who he was with and what happened just before he 'went missing'

'went missing' kinda implies he didn't go missing - but he did. It's the whys & wherefores that are unknown.

i really hope he's met some slightly older woman, who's giving him the benefit of her experience, and he'll emergein a day or two with a dreamy expression on his face.

no Peter i was refering to this "the upshot was that the vast majority of kids are found - not really borne out by the above"

if 1500 kids arent found out of say 1 million, then one could say that the vast majority are found.  If 1500 kids arent found out of 1600, one could not say that the vast majority are found.  I was merely pointing out that you stated "naomis" position wasnt borne out by your quick google., but your quick google does not provide enough information to state that


Naomi hasn't stated a position. 

I take your point, davebro. I'm trying to differentiate between (a) someone who was alone and disappeared without trace and (b) someone whose whereabouts or details of his ultimate demise (hope not) are known to one or a few individuals

I know Naomi, that's why I said PP stated it and put your name in inverted commas

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