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I Am A Tiger

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Khandro | 06:22 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

I know that, but they don't go back as far as my year of birth.

Still, " Any romance, however, might get sidelined at this moment."

Phew, that's a relief !

How are you going to get on this month?



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DOG - Dogs working in finance or the food service industries could find their finances greatly improving. Luck is on the side of Dogs during July, 👍

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Ooh heck - I may suffer financial losses and lose my temper; my wife may feel the draw to spend impulsively.  


Im an Ox - doesn't sound so good.  :(

Oink, oink. A pig here.


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Thanks ellipsis. Yes that's me to a tee 🤣

Chinese have ad different view of animals than we do and symboolism 

Bunnies are really good - not only for boiling - hence the white bunny motif . Peaches ( ba) and Bats (ba) are used as representations of Business ( ba) and 888 for similar reasons ( ba)

Tigers - uncertain, violent  change - The american presidential election is typically tigerish

Beware, Chinese years do NOT go from 1st Jan to 31st Dec. I know because on a whim I bought a certificate type thing once that included the Chinese starsign, and because they just went by the year number  they screwed it up.

it is a lunar year - innit - counting as 12 and not 13 (so goes out of kilter really quickly)

as one ABer said - loonie, innit?

Apparently I'm a pig too.

Why am I not surprised?

I'm a bit of a dog . The wife's allways picking up after me.😄

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I Am A Tiger

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