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China Doll | 14:10 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
So if I ask a question here or in any other category in future can I put it under the main heading or do I have to put it in a sub category?


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well if it fits into a sub category then you should put it under that one e.g. if its about beauty put in under beauty sub category.
I think CD...thew way it works is that your question gets put into the main category, and then other users can narrow the field to find a particular subject. For example....if you asked a question about lipsticks it would appear in the main section as normal and also again in the beauty one, but not in the other 2 sub-sections.

Obviously I could be wrong mind- but I think that's how it works.
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Bum... maybe I should have put this in to 'how it works!'

Now China which sub category is Bum going in.
the footie section didn't work like that, the footie ones that were in sport got moved and the user sent an email telling them but maybe this is different
just post in the category or subcategory that most fits the question - the ed isn't going to be moving them around or putting them into two different columns as that would just take ages and get complicated... tho it does leave the question what is the main body and soul category now for hmmmm i guess religion and personal probs could fit

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