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Good Morning Early Birds!

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Smowball | 08:07 Thu 04th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Well, it's voting day! My friend is at his local polling station all day helping - he gets paid for it lol. He's been there since about 6 am I think and apart from a couple of breaks he's in it for the long haul today!

so who's off to their polling stations, who voted by post and who isn't bothering at all??

Apart from voting, Ive a plumber due at 9am to fit brand new bath taps - the current ones are this 'waterfall' design, which looks good but is absolutely useless when it comes to water flow lol!

Hope we are all ok guys??



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Good morning, Smowball!

I am a postal voter, but it looks like good weather for walking to polling station!

Morning smow, I'm still dithering about whether to vote at all.  This is a Conservative area so my vote won't be needed to keep Labour out here.  If I voted it would be half-heartedly - I've no confidence in any of them - so I probably won't bother.


When are you off to Devon?

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Yep the sun is shining here so a good day for walking anywhere. 
Spoke to Youngsmow lastnight - they had been home with baby Theo for 24 hours at that point. They want a week to get settled in at home with Theo and their brand  new routine, so I'm going to get the train  down nxt Friday morning (11th). Can't wait! Really wish he hadn't chosen to live so far away but that's life hey : ( x

Just voted, twice! Once for me and once as a proxy for my son.

Good morning Smow, postal voter here too.
Nice sunny - if a little breezy - day here, but still on the cool side.
just put my heating on for a couple of hours, I am so cold.


Morning Grandma.

I don't feel up to going anywhere except back to bed.  Or I might watch the tennis instead.

Just voted. Our constituency has changed and the old sitting MP is retiring so no-one was familiar.

Patches of blue sky here so hopefully washing will dry. Nothing much planned for the rest of the day


Morning, Smow.  Postal vote for us.  Hope your taps have been fitted

My wife and I will vote today in person, with photo ID.

Hello everyone. Postal votes also for the 3.5million expats who have been living outside the Uk for more than fifteen years .And are now quite rightly allowed to vote again in UK General Elections.

Well at least the conservatives got 1 extra vote if gulliver is allowed!!  

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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