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Can I Vote Without A Crd?

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bluefortress | 17:34 Thu 04th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

Want to vote but I didnt recieve a voting card in the post. Is there another way to do it or do I accept my exclusion : D



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you don't need the card. Just go with ID and tell them your address. Assuming you know the polling station.

You don't need it. Just go to the polling station and they'll have your name. Assuming you are registered to vote

Are you registered to vote?

Question Author

Oh ok, I'l try taking some ID

Andy I havent registered for anything I usually just get a card in the post

Do you know which polling station to go to?

Question Author

Yes I know which polling station to go to (assuming im the same as the rest of my family)

Thanks Thecor

Good luck, Blue. Just take some photo ID.

why vote whoever gets in will be just as bad and do what they want! if voting change anything they wouldn't let you vote,  we need a truly british nationlist government.

Apparently political parties receive funds in proportion to the percentage of the popular vote they receive, so if you know a truly british nationlist party it pays them to get your vote regardless whether they have any chance of winning your constituency.

Fraser; Do you think that we shouldn't have a voting sytem?

if the voting system is fair yes, polictal parties raise their own funds,tories have big business to fund them, labour have trade unions,nationlist parties are funded by their members and supporters who are normal hard working class people.

The state funding for political parties is paid only to those with at least two MPs in Parliament and who have taken the Oath of Allegiance.

There's £2 million available, of which half is dished out equally to the eligibility parties and the rest is given in proportion to votes received.

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Can I Vote Without A Crd?

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