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Software To Help With Short Booklet Writing

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Barmaid | 15:56 Sat 08th Jul 2023 | Technology
4 Answers
I'm currently compiling a short booklet (family history related), that will only be given to family members - either in print form or emailed in .pdf form.

I am writing the text in Word, but have quite a lot of pictures and inserts to either insert as small boxes on a page with text above and below or as single sheet inserts (ie one pic per page).

So far as I have been typing I have not inserted any items which will be .pdfs or .jpgs but have just marked the place where they need to go since I am aware that Word can be a bit awkward if you try and edit text after you've inserted objects.

Is there any better software I can use, please? I do not really want to buy anything (or anything expensive) since this is likely to be a one off. Is there any software anyone has experience of and can recommend?



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MS Publisher is quite good for booklets. It's what I usually use at work.
Question Author
Ooohh apparently I already have Publisher - playing now.
Thought you might have, if you have Word.
Good luck
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Software To Help With Short Booklet Writing

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