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monkhousebob | 21:04 Wed 27th Aug 2008 | Jobs & Education
8 Answers
having a hard time finding work and gimmiky jobs like this are sounding more appealing....i mean do women actually bother hiring? do they need to? it seems like a good short term solution and i wouldnt be hurting anyone as im 26 and have no ties, but you have to send photos and if the family found out id probably be disowned. id meet new people and earn at the same time.....i keep thinking yeah but what goes on my cv in later life but i also tend to worry too much...opinions??? thanks


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Go for it monkhousebob,
its you who has to pay the bills, you never know you might find one that will take you on a cruise, or buy you a Ferrari.

There was a Guy on GMTV and he had loads of pressies given him, cash and holidays from rich older women.
Are you good looking and are you prepared to offer 'extras'?

There were a couple of blokes in a womans magazine last week. They had registered as male escorts and were complaining because the Agency wasn't giving them any work.

Apart from the fact that they were both complete mingers, the Agency said that they were finding it difficult finding them work as there were certain services that they wouldn't offer. i.e they wouldn't shag their clients!
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You'd meet new people who would be terrified of bumping in to with your friends and family, seeing as you worry so much about their opinion of you.

Most male prostitutes service gay men, there is a limited market for women prepared to pay, because let's face it, any woman can go out and get free sex easily enough.

Where women are paying, they want more than the average chap. If you think you've got what it takes, try it.
My neighbour had an escort once. It kept breaking down, so they had to get another car!
You need to be good looking and have the gift of the gab. However your clients do not need to possess either of these traits, they just have to be able to pay. More than likely you'll be shagging mingers for money (low end) or taking business women to functions (high end) and then shagging them for money.

Not quite the Richard Gere / American Gigolo style lifestyle you are possibly envisaging.
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