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Speedy Passport

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brainiac | 11:00 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
2 Answers

Credit where it's due: applied for a new passport online last Thursday and sent my old one back the same day - new one has just arrived, as has the cancelled old one.  That's really impressive, especially in the middle of summer.

Can anyone beat one week?


The photograph is unutterably appaling, though, and I've signed the new passport without looking at the ghastly pic again!



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Pleased for you, brainiac - on the speed of resolution. There is something about most photo I.D.s that suggest a resemblance to wanted criminals in my experience.

It appears that good news doesn't rate much of a response here these days, but I hope you enjoy your holidays/travel.

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Ta for the reply.  I got the photo done in a booth in Tesco, but of course it's all digital/touchscreen now and I couldn't hear the instructions properly - not helped by being so taken aback by what I looked like.

By coincidence, at the weekend in one of the newspaper magazines were some photographs taken during the shooting of A Hard Day's Night in 1964, and in the background was a photo booth that had on the front:

Four photographs 2/-

My four photos cost £10 - 100 times more expensive!

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Speedy Passport

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