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R.i.p. Bob

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Buenchico | 23:19 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

A true comedy genius:



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Grrr!  AB's server omitted the link!

Oh what a shame. Sad. Hey guys, it's nutty Walt again!

Don't forget his driving instructor one as well. RIP.

One of the funniest guys ever...grew up with him. R.I.P. Bob.

Very funny 😆 

I'm going to have to look up more of his work.

I loved him in Elf and The Big Bang Theory series. R.I.P. Bob Xxx

I watched Big Bang Theory, but don't remember him in it. When was this? Was he playing himself?

Yes indeed, Bob Newhart and fellow American Shelley Berman were both experts at the protracted and extremely funny phone calls. RIP, thanks for all the laughs.

I  also remember his driving instructor sketch, it was a classic.

RIP Bob, sadly they dont make funny comedians  like you anymore

So sad to see that, his phone call sketches were legendary and of course he was Prof Proton on The Big Bang Theory. I have a CD of his sketches in the car that we listen too when bored with the music. That Walter Raleigh sketch is hilarious.

Famous for his dead pan you go cleverjo, one of several BBT appearances:


Very sad news, he was a comedy genius.

RIP Bob, thanks for the laughs.

Grew up listening ti him .  Loved his humour and delivery.  One of my all time favourites. 

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R.i.p. Bob

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