Occasionally I get an email from friends in Canada which should have pictures on, but all I get is the rectangle that the picture should be in with a small red x in the top corner. I have tried various things to make the picture open, but to no avail.
Does anyone have any suggestions what the problem might be and how I can overcome it? I`m on XP and OE6.
I think you usually get that red cross if maybe the picture did not arrive properly or you got no programme to open it, or maybe your virusscanner as seen it as a threat and disabled it. Ask them to send one in a zipped file, that will help sort the problem and enable you to find out what is going on.
Stop using outlook and get a free email account with Googlemail
This will solve yiour problem
BTW this also applies to Internet Explorer - use Mozilla Firefox instead it's light years ahead,much more secure , easier to use and it's free http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/