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Compression Socks.

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Dukedelorca | 14:20 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Has anyone tried these?are they any good. Thank You for any replies.



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I was prescribed a pair by the doctor for swollen legs. They were a nightmare to put on and even worse to pull off. I then decided to buy the ones with zips and have not had any trouble with them at all. Easy to put on and take off. Do the job perfectly and take the swelling down. 

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Thank You Andres sounds promising.

Agree with Andres, they are a nightmare to get on and off. However you can buy a frame that you put the sock on, and then put your foot down the middle and withdraw the frame. I have not explained this very well but look on Easy Life website, they have them.

I wear cheapo compression knee socks I get off ebay. They are great. I used to get a lot of swelling around the tops of my ankle socks but not any longer.

davebro^^^ebay is where I got mine from. 

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Thank You calda and dave,they are for my husband so definitely worth a try.

Are you in UK, Duke, as if so I could suggest somewhere.

I had a leg ulcer about 2 years ago. Nurses cured the bleeding, but, ever since, I have had to wear a compression stocking on the affected leg. The stocking is called Duomed Soft 2easy, and it comes in 2 parts: a foot part and a leg part. I have tried going without the leg part, just to see what happens, but I have had to carry on wearing it. The stocking is easy to put on and to remove (I don't wear it in bed), but it must be washed every day. I have plenty of these stockings, so washing is not done frequently. I got mine on prescription, but I suppose they could also be purchased. The stocking is quite comfortable, by the way.

Yes, ebayboy1 , or amazon

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I am in the uk and have ordered from EBay, will see how husband takes to them. Thanks bookbinder and newmodarmy.

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Compression Socks.

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