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He's a dangerous man stirring up trouble.

I wonder if he will be looking to claim political asylum?

An asylum seeker, irony indeed.

yeah I didnt undertand that - he skipped bail and so cannot avoid being arrested when he re-immigrates ( comes back).

"Mr Justice Johnson has ordered the warrant not to be carried out "until early October" to give Yaxley-Lennon time to confirm he would attend the next hearing voluntarily."

Tommy is one of the bravest men in England. 

///Tommy is one of the bravest men (not currently) in England///


fixed it for you....

I'm brave when surrounded by security operatives ready to club dissenters to the ground on my behalf.

Get off his case,look around you will see much of what he says is true.

And much of it isn't, which is why he was supposed to be appearing in court today.

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And why was he supposed to be in court today?

There's none so blind as those who will not see.

If anyone bothers to listen to the nity gritty it is what many think.

Sadly this man goes about it in totally the wrong way and so only serves to divert from the message.

Using anti terror laws at the port should worry everyone though.  A total abuse we were assured would not happen.

Of course the Beeb hate Tommy, he once made video of how to legally avoid paying for their unfair licence. Hence the listing of his entire life's misdemeanours, all of which he paid his debts to society for, - what a sh... ty trick. 

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Meanwhile Police Do What They Do Best

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