Xbox - Xbox 360 in The AnswerBank: Gaming
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Xbox - Xbox 360

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gaoler | 21:17 Fri 08th Sep 2006 | Gaming
7 Answers
As most of you Xboxers know, microsoft relalised they had made a bit of a fopar when it was discovered that you can't play original xbox games on the 360, like you can play PS1 games on the PS2. I heard a small rumour that Microsoft were bringing out a gadget that you plug into you original Xbox to make it compatable with the 360, or was it the other way round?????? I'm not sure.

Does anyone know if there was any truth to this rumour, which way round it went, what it's called and when it becomes available to us?????????????????????
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My husband has an Xbox360 and has played his original Xbox games on it. He explains that essentially you must have a 360 with the hard drive (buy one separately if you bought the core system) and then you download the software fix from the microsoft website and burn this onto either a cd or dvd disc. Follow the instructions when you load this in your 360 and you should the be able to play your old games on the 360. Microsoft are currently adding games as quickly as they can to the software fix, so check on the website which games are currently on the fix. You may need to re-burn new cd/dvd's and apply the fix as more games are added.

backwards compatability is only useful early in the life of a console when you havent bought many games.as soon as your catalogue builds up you wont care about playing old games.

only some games are backwards compatible,many arent altho they are adding to the list all the time.
so...you spend �280 on a hi def next gen machine to match your hi-def 43" lcd tv and you want to go back and play what? games that (may be very playable) but look like $@*#

the differnece between PS1 and PS2 was not that much really.
the diferrence between xbox and 360 (mostly due to hi-def) is astonishing
i for one do not want to be playing Barbies Horse Adventure just because it's backwards compatible...I would rather be on Saints Row shooting someone in the face

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I understand what your saying SPAT but there are several of the old games that i still enjoy playing that arn't on the 360. As for the HD LCDTV... Wish i could afford one :)
i wrote that reply after a few too many shandies and reading it just now it comes across as rude
sorry again
I found this to be a huge problem back in April when I bought mine. Basically the spotty faced numbnuts in the game shop who advised me on it lied.

"just plug it in to the telephone line and it will do it all for you" he said.


It comes with an RJ45 cable, standard United States product, no use if you live outside the US. I spent a lot of time and effort getting around this and no joy what-so-ever.

I refuse to pay amother �100 for wireless internet connection, and I do not share Microsoft's vision of a glabal gaming community. I have played X-Box live and it is populated by foul-mouthed teenagers and gangs of yanks. Not to mention the cheats out there.

So I rang Microsoft, US not UK. Their answer was they are not concerned with non-US consumers. If you buy one in the US you are home free - outside the US and you must connect up etc;

So I bought a disc for 99p on eBay and it took seconds to adapt it. Well worth it because the graphics are much sharper.

Oh, and a message for all you "my PS2 looks better than your X360" people out there - The X360 is designed for HD televisions and connection. And believe me, put them side by side and the PS2 looks like a Mega Drive. I know, I have tried out all configurations. Read the small print.

Thank you.

All that said, the Xbox web site does give you all the info you need on what games are backwards compatible. Quite a few but not all yet.

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