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Good Morning Early Wednesday Birds!

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Smowball | 05:11 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Another scorcher looks to be on the cards today! Will be a bit of a nervous day here - my FIL is having major surgery today, starting this morning actually. Not sure  how many hours he will be in theatre, but afterwards, much later on today, when my MIL is confident that he has come thru it ok then she will be coming here to stay the night with us, as we are nearer to the hospital than the new house they have moved to. Then she is nearer to go bk to hosp in the morning. 
Need to go out and get an anniversary card for Friday! The day I'm going down to Devon is our 16th Wedding Anniversary. Not sure if MrSmow realises yet lol. I'd planned  a lovely evening - special meal etc etc etc but that will have to wait until I get back! He's very  good at remembering things like that, but an awful lot has been going on lately so we shall see lol.

Have we all got a busy day planned, or a day of rest and chilling out?x



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Morning Smow, 1ozzy and all who follow. Nowt much planned for today, shall try to keep cool. Pooch is being taken to G word (groomers) so he will be in a mega sulk for the rest of the day.

Hope all goes well for your FIL Smow, Surgery is always a bit of a worry . I wish him a speedy recovery and that he is home soon. The NHS provided superb care for my husband when he was in Intensive Care

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Hope FIL op is complete success.  We are off to do some volunteering work this morning. Should only take a couple of hours.

Hitches in our house move again, so getting a bit stressed out.


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Nope not asleep lol just nobody was around so I'm popped off for a bit! Busy day trying to track parcel that wasn't delivered yesterday, plus getting stuff ready for trip to Devon and also MIL staying this eve. 

Morning all, looks another good one out there.
Cleaning lady just rang, her g/daughter whisked off to hospital last night (suspected meningitis) so she is looking after g/son for the next day or so.
Best wishes to the Smows for FIL op.
Not sure what to do with myself today now, no doubt I'll find something.

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Good Morning Early Wednesday Birds!

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