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We Reached Out

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10ClarionSt | 16:31 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
35 Answers

This is now the term used by anyone who is trying to contact a person or an organisation. They didn't ask. They didn't enquire. They "reached out" didn't they? What if their reach isn't long enough? What's with this "we reached out" gubbins? What's that all about? Can somebody reach out with a response please? πŸ˜„β˜ΊπŸ˜Š



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I'm going back 20 years now, but at that time I and others worked under a manager who loved management speak, and before the Friday morning monthly team meeting we'd each put a fiver in and guess the number of phrases he'd use from a list we'd come up with. Closest to the number or on the button and it was winner takes all...the only sting in the tail was the winner had to buy the Friday lunchtime drinks (so in reality we all paid for them, but it was a bit of fun).


My most hated phrase was "we're all on a journey" which was oft said.

I often wish people who speak like that would go on a journey.  A long one.

we used to play BS bingo....***/


Some say you still do, on a daily basis. x

I'm sensing a shortfall in team synergy quotient there doug!

I wish he'd stop kissing you, TTT.  πŸ˜‚

Thank you, TTT. I have caught up now.

I was busy looking for the elephant.πŸ™ƒ

All of these modern phrases make me cringe tbh so I will always retaliate with something really old fashioned. The worst I ever endured was "let it helicopter out of your mind". My giddy aunt!

You may need diversity training, naomi. X

We used to guess how many times the presenter would use "per se"

I will not reach out to the stranger answering the phone when I call my energy supplier.

hasnt HE reached out to you? - and if you are with the awful Scots Power, you would wish  they did. I poured money into the company and they still cut me off ( the rub was with a 'delete' they can cut you off stat - but reconnnection is not with the flick of  a switch) (*). I did point out it was against of the Gas Acts ( 1875 I think) - you can only cut off for gas not paid for. " God, so what?" she chortled

(*) reconnection involved nailing my boots to the ceiling where the gas meter was on the floor. Low ceilings I have. Then hang  like a bat and  put in a fifteen digit number without a keyboard. Of course when I failed, she said, " oh you didnt swing to and fro whilst you did all that, like the pendulum in that Vincent Price film. " "Piranesi drawing" I said. It didnt make the gas come on. 

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Thanks for all the replies folks. I don't know why there's a reference to an elephant. I just mentioned something that I think is annoying for most people and it seems I was right. Thanks again.

Another recent one that gets me is 'lean in'

10:51 "Thanks for all the replies folks. I don't know why there's a reference to an elephant. I just mentioned something that I think is annoying for most people and it seems I was right. Thanks again." - because it's another of the things you are talking about, "Elephant in the room", "think outside the box" etc all part of the wonderful world of management rowlocks, see my link above.

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Thanks TTT.

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