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Another benefit of the Windsor Framework it seems
I won’t be happy until we have re-joined the EU; when we will regain access to the myriad of benefits (such as this one) through being full EU members.

Having said I could post a Brexit disaster story everyday – here is one for you in which Lord Stuart Rose (chairman of ASDA) points out that it is just common sense that we will re-join.

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But Hymie if we do you'll have nothing to obsess about!
And regained access to the multi-myriad of detriments too ?

While scientific cooperation is good, there seems far to much alliance with the EU across the board these days not to be concerned. It's almost as if we got BINO not Brexit.
My guess is that Lord Stuart Rose must be one of those who focuses on his wealth and his ability to create opportunities to increase it, and gives little or no priority for the nation nor it's citizens.
If he thinks the eureich is such a wonderful place to be ruled by and dictated to, then why doesnt he go and live there...hed be happy and the board will be one deluded troll less

Any chance you could post something that doesn't personally abuse another poster? You add nothing to the argument.
That’s all that Brexiteers have left (to abuse posters) now that their sovereignty claim has been shown to be nonsense – we have become rule takers (and not rule makers) as a result of Brexit.
like i said earlier if you think the eureich is such a wonderful thing/place/entity whatever you want to classify the corrupt project as then go and live there..if not why not ?

and please point out the personal abuse in my earlier post..oh youre confusing facts with abuse, i get it..

I Can't see why Brexiteers object To being governed from Brussels
The party that has attempted to govern from Downing St since Brexit
have proved themselves inadequate. The UK was far better off in the EU.
You don't have to be in the EU to be a Horizon partner.

There are 17 countries outside of of the EU that are horizon partner, even New Zealand have joined the programme, are they joining the EU.
In what way has the sovereignty claim been shown to be nonsense ?

True that present government/parliament has not taken full advantage and prefer to be told what to do, but that doesn't change the sovereignty issue.

It is up to the public to vote in a decent government that has the guts to decide to do the democratic will of the people, rather than impose nonsense demanded from external power groups. The present lot seem incapable of that, and just use our sovereignty to capitulate.

"The UK was immensely worse off taking orders from the unelected, unaccountable external elite controlling the EU."

Check out the UKs better economic progress outside of the EU compared to the EU. If the UK makes poor decisions now it is our own accountable politicians screwing up, not external ones just using us for their own nefarious aims.

I think you're confusing, 'If you like it so much, why not go and live there' with rational argument.
Repeated here for good measure:-

The current issue of Private Eye helpfully points out that this change in UK growth statistics was as a result of using new methodology that spots bits of hitherto hidden growth – which other countries are yet to use.

As the Office for National Statistics caveated its announcement ‘Our international comparison position is likely to change once other countries fully confront their datasets overtime.’

So even this tiny bit of good news for the UK, crowed over by Brexiteers, is likely to turn out to be nonsense.
Thanks for the unrequested info hymie, there maybe something in it... but whats it to do with "UK rejoins EU science research scheme Horizon"

That’s all that Brexiteers have left (to abuse posters) now that their sovereignty claim has been shown to be nonsense 

no no come on come on

we have those lovely blue passports - dont do  the obvious advantages of Brexit down thro spleen !

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