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If Gps Began To Work To Rule How Would We, Their Patients,

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sandyRoe | 18:19 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers


I don't know why but it's difficult to see a GP now.



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I said something very similar on another thread.  If my GP worked to rule I'd probably get a far better service.
18:23 Thu 01st Aug 2024

I said something very similar on another thread.  If my GP worked to rule I'd probably get a far better service.

They would probably take work breaks.  I`m not defending them but I know a couple of people who are nurse practioners and they said that even if the GP worked all day with no breaks, they would never get to see all of the people who want appointments.


@ 18.34 All the patients who want appointments don't get them.

No, because there are too many patients for GPs per head. Councils are being to told to build lots of new houses but the same GP surgery is still trying to cope with the influx of newcomers.  The infrastructure isn't there.

They want to try a shift or two down the pit or dig the roads, then they might put their education to proper use.

Oughta be a law, etc.

They need to recruit more doctors then.

In any case, whenever I go to see a doctor it's always a locum. I think the practice doctors must have been working from home for decades.

Yes, or put them up the chimney

That might soot them.

They do recruit more doctors but then they take their expertise abroad.  I have watched many a medical programme on the TV in the US and the doctor (who is brilliant) is British trained at UK tax payers expense.  I`ve said for years that NHS workers should be bonded (same as airline pilots used to be) That's the problem with the public sector - no foresight.  I might be wrong if UK medical people fund themselves nowadays but that was how it used to be

Incredibly lucky here (SE Scotland) - appointments even sometimes on the same day (by phone or face-to-face) - always able to see same GP though some work part-time at the Health Crntre.  However, I have heard that other Surgeries are not so well run.

what's a GP?

Is not the first "rule" for a doctor First do no harm as per the Hippocratic Oath. Working to rule might include not seeing someone after hours. Is that not First doing harm

19:13 bit late for that, they all disappeared during lockdown!

"trained at UK tax payers expense."

I thought students had to pay to £9250 a year for 5 years to get a medical degree. I might be wrong.

The main problem is that most GP's think there is nothing wrong with most of the people that attend surgeries. If it wasn't for them, GP's would have a great job!

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