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That Poll For The Shopping Survey....

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10ClarionSt | 07:09 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

...on the opening page is interesting because of the absence of one retailer. There's 15 in the replies, but no-one has mentioned the Co-op. Back in the 1970's, the Co-op was the largest food retailer in the country. Just shows how much they've been overtaken since. 



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It was our only local supermarket in the 50s, I remember it opening. Next door there was a Co-Op butcher, then a Co-Op greengrocer and a Co-Op baker who delivered every morning. Our milkman was Co-Op.

A discreet distance away was the Co-Op funeral parlour.

In the 1980s an enormous Co-Op supermarket opened a few miles away selling everything including electricals and garden supplies.

Today my local Co-Op is small and food only. Decent enough but expensive 

I can still remember my mum's Co-op divi number. 1711

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I'm  no expert so don't know why they fell behind so much. One of the founding members of The Oldham Co-operative Society was a distant relative of mine, but as  you say Barry they did open a few of those Superstores, three of them round here at Sandbrook Park, Rochdale, Crown Square, Oldham and The Rock, Bury, all closed now. And my mothers' co-op divi number was 15456. Happy days! 😊

My father worked for the Co-Op all his life, apart from the war years, so everything we had came from the Co-Op department store as well as our food 

According to Kanters:

Over the last decade the Co-op's market share has stayed around the same (5.5-6%). The big four have also lost market share, Morrisons more so (8.7% from 11.5%). Obviously Aldi and Lidl are the big gainers (4% to 10% and 3% to 8%).


The Co-op also owns Nisa, who supply lots of independent shops.

I didn't know that

Bought out in 2017 by Co-Op. Don't think I've ever been in one

I wouldnt bother.

Our local coop is a godsend as our nearest supermarket is a 20 mile round trip. I don't find it overly expensive for the essentials you sometimes run out of like bread milk and wine 😀

If seen NISA shops around, not been in one. SPAR seems to be the main player in that sector (around here anyway).

I've not if

Is that poll now closed? I've not seen it before so wasn't able to answer.

I used to have 2 co-ops nearby. Then the closest one was sold to another chain, and then more recently it became a Morrisons Daily...horrible and expensive. At least co-op was decent quality. 

Morrison's is nowhere near what it was since it was sold off.  I saw Ken Morrison personally inspecting his market stalls in Rawson Market (Bradford) when I worked on another counter as a 16 yr-old. Out of loyalty and the fact that they still have good butchers, cheeses, fishmongers etc. we still shop there - but it is going downhill every week - new management obviously wants to phase out deli employees for example and it's starting to look like a wharehouse.

So, the Co-op.  They don't really want my card any more.  I must say that they are vastly improved over the last few years and more like the Co-op I grew up with.  They are just that bit more expensive - and I would have to find and use a separate butchers (even pricier).  I think they are the up-and-coming 'good' supermarket.

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A bit late but thanks for those replies folks. Actually, back in the 70's I used to work for Spar and I remember our MD gathering us all together one time to inform us of big sales initiative that was intended to "steal" 1% from the leading retailer at the time, the Co-op. He said that the Co-op had 17% of the retail food market and Spar would be trying to "grab" 1% off them. Happy days!

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