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There's Nothing Odd . . .

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Buenchico | 20:57 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

. . . about people from our fine county of Suffolk. 

Honestly, there's not!




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Jolly good!  If you have the collectors' gene, then you have it!  OH has, I haven't.

She looks potty! 🚽

At least she's not 😅 😆 🤣 

You'd be surprised that nobody wants them! 😂

Think I'd be very quiet about that particular aspect of my county, Chris 🧐

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Thanks for the posts, everyone.

I think that she's simply taking the p___ with her collection 😊


Oh that's terrible 

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. . . but about my usual standard though, Steff 😉

I wonder where she keeps them all. Surely you wouldn't want them on display.

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^^^ Under her bed, perhaps, Barsel?

Well, in a world that has a museum displaying lawn mowers and another showing nothing but pencils, a collection of bedpans doesn't seem that unusual.

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^^^ Our US cousins just have to go one better though, Sandy 😏

Trust them to plumb the depths.

At least it's fossilized.🤣

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There's Nothing Odd . . .

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