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Demonising Or Lionising/

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david small | 19:40 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
3 Answers

The media will do as the government manikins tell them to. They in turn are dictated to by unnamed sinister overlords.

The riots stem from massive injustices done, and condoned to the very fabric of our culture and our country. Throw in a few thugs and paid extremists to engender fear and distrust. Highlight the appalling action of a few, then divide, and misinform continually, and then collapse is inevitable. Somewhat like the poll tax riots.

first control the information source, then emphasise the worst or alternatively make light of some more important issues, simple. They must think we're stupid....We are.



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yes, you said.

"Please try to keep Chatterbank free of political discussion and news. There are better categories...'

See ? It's just lions led by demons.

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