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A Truck Is Parked In Someones Driveway

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phleb | 12:17 Sun 24th Nov 2013 | Law
12 Answers
with no dropped kerb to access driveway, so they drive up a kerb. The truck is sticking out into the public pathway, and this morning a lady with a new baby and pram, could not get past because of the truck sticking out taking over the path, and also the truck owners car is parked near the truck, therefore leaving just a small gap to get past. I felt sorry for the woman and helped her round. We had to go on the main road to pass. Where do I report this?


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Police and council. Not 999 though. If you can take photos.
Firstly, if there's no dropped kerb then there is no access so that is probably not the problem you can complain about.
But they should not be causing an obstruction by parking on the pavement.

I had the pleasure of watching two traffic wardens booking a lady who had parked on the pavement opposite the local pub recently :-)
If you can, get the operator name and number. This should be displayed in the windscreen beside the tax disc. It will be a disc, normally green or blue, but can be white or orange. Operator number format is OA 123456. If you get no joy with plod, try VOSA on 0300 123 9000.
i live in a cul de sac along a narrow road.. the pavements are parked on the length of bad bin lorry cant get down sometimes..i am often bocked sick of complaining to council and police..not interested
Question Author
I'm absolutely seething about this truck, why should that poor woman have to go on the main road to pass.
If the truck is over 3.5tonne mgw. It needs an operators licence, to obtain this the owner would have to inform vosa of its operating centre and where the vehicle will be parked at night. I doubt a residential address without adequate room to park the truck would get approval from vosa. If that is the case they are in breach of their operators licence. Give vosa a call and let them deal with it. They are very strict about such things.
what was the truck doing? were they loading it or something?
if so i think its just one of those things, they needed to block the path to do some work.

or is it always there?
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That trucker is back home every Friday, and the truck is parked there all weekend, every weekend. He has a blue disc on his screen, im too scared to note it down, its parked directly outside his bay window :-( wimp...that's me!
I would burn it quite honestly and then the driver will know you are p+ssed.

I think one of the Glenconner family - part of the Tennant clan and tres tres riche but that is but a detail did that to Saatchi's Rolls Royce when it was P+ssing him off. (he paid)
I was walking home up the hill from town when a family were parking their car on the pavement. The road was wide enough for this not to be necessary. I sarcastically asked the driver if he could by any chance make it any more difficult for people pushing prams or wheelchairs to get past before calling him a selfish turd. He went as red as a beetroot and every Sunday since he has been parked without causing any obstruction
Report it to vosa traffic examiners and write to the traffic commissioner with photo if poss. He should have a designated parking place of he has An operators licence.

I dont know where you live, but if your in aus, if theres a concreate footpath put by the concil or shire parking there would get them a hefty fine.

I would personally talk to the owner before telling council as it can be hard for truckies to find parks. but thats just me i wish you luck!

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