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Mbna Phone Call

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fourteen85 | 08:55 Tue 01st Aug 2023 | Spam & Scams
13 Answers
I had a phone call on Sunday night , the phone said MBNA calling. A very pleasant chap telling me ofa charge being charged to my account, I told him it wasn't authorised as I hadn't made any purchases. he started asking questions , so after maybe a minute I asked him his name , which he gave me, then i said i was hanging up and calling the MBNA fraud dept which i did, before i could ring out he was back on the line asking for some more details. I hung up again and the called the fraud department, (1.75 hour wait). they had not made any calls to me but could see that a purchase had been attempted on my card. the Question is how are spammers able to get MBNA phone number and use it to call me??


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'Phones show the caller ID but what is known as, "spoofing" allows a false number to be displayed.

Fraudsters will have access to lists of various numbers so having an MNBA fraud number to display is not unusual.
No idea how they got your phone number, nothing online about a data breach at MBNA.

What sort ofquestions was he asking? Did he know your name and other personal details?

Most of these calls are made to thousands if not hundreds of thousands of random numbers and chance will mean some will be, as in your case, an MNBA customer.
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barry, not sure now if he knew my name or not, I was so taken aback by the call I am not sure. after he rang a second time he then told me he would send an access code which he wanted me to repeat back to him, thats when i hung up again . the code did appear but obviously I didnt read it back to him, the attempted transaction was to Izettle for £2000.00
I suppose you should just be grateful they blocked the transaction but it is a huge coincidence that you got the phone call.
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I am presuming that somehow the guy on the phone sent the authorisation code , how i am not sure, anyhow, hopefully all sorted now, new card issued
No the guy was a scammer who wanted the access code that would only get sent to your phone.... he would then enter it on his online transaction with itzer
scammer makes a purchase using your MBNA card number. (dont know how he knew your number and card). MBNA then check its you by send a code to your phone which has to be enetred online to confirm the transaction
Correct Bobb, its known as MFA (or 2FA).

Card details could have been got from anywhere.
Yes, agree about card details but not sure about 1485s phone number....
Of course it could be some rogue employee at a company he recently did a purchase with online

I had a similar experience once where I got a call from someone pretending to be from my bank. They had all the right info and even used a local number, but something felt off. I ended up calling my bank directly, and they confirmed it was a scam. They suggested checking, which showed the number was flagged for scams. It’s pretty unsettling how scammers can spoof legitimate numbers. Always better to hang up and call your bank using a number you know is real.

With a 1.75 hour wait from the MBNA Fraud dept I'd be looking for a different card company.

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BHG, Thats what i did in the end

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Mbna Phone Call

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