Derek’s Easy Peasy Quiz. C/D. 28Th...
Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Maybe that remote Scottish Isle the Imams were trying to take over recently could be an option? Yasser al-Habib was reportedly planning to buy Torsa in Argyll to make his own Sharia law-based Islamic "homeland". His organisation launched a £3.5m fundraiser earlier this year using videos thought to have been taken at a viewing after the island went on the market last autumn.
Crocus-5 Yousaf is as entitled as anyone else to remove himself from a country if he so wishes. He has caused much trouble, fair enough because he is a politician. Simply by his political allegiances and decisions he is bound to attract negativity. This is true for all politicians.
He obviously has strong sympathies with family in Gaza and seems to sympathise with a terrorist group (Hamas). He can't expect these views to be universally lauded; in fact he should expect to be viewed extremely negatively. If he won't change his views then, yes, he and his family would probably be better off living elsewhere. He has free choice, after all, in the UK.