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Is It News Though?

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douglas9401 | 17:44 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

A man armed with stencils and spray paint has been vandalising London.



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Nor really. Such graffitists are encouraged by today's weird society.

It is news. What it demonstrates is that the authorities are tolerating this continued criminal damage. They know who this twerp is and it's about time they felt his collar.

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Or at least got his henchmen to return the satellite dish.

Harmless bit of fun. The bill board was due to come down on Monday anyhow. We need something to smile about now and again.

I love the pelicans!

I think that murals such as these are generally a positive thing.  If it makes people smile it can only be a good thing.

They can be really good.

“A wonderful bird is the Pelican.
His beak can hold more than his belly can.
He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week!
But I'll be darned if I know how the hellican?”

The billboard was an eyesore anyway. The moggy improved it tenfold.

"A person has a lawful excuse if

they believed at the time that those whom they believed to be entitled to consent to the destruction of or damage to the property in question had so consented, or would have so consented to it if they had known of the destruction or damage and its circumstances;"

I'm sure that given the value placed on his works, the vast majority of owners would not object and it would be a reasonable defence to make if he were ever to be prosecuted.

Yes, TCL .... if no-one else wants it can I have the stretching cat, please?

They remind me of the 'trompe l'oeil' paintings I used to enjoy in France.  Some of them were extremely clever.


I thought that in the elephants one, the tusk on the left-hand side looked a bit odd but it might look fine when level with it.

Would an artist be expected to take into account the fact an image would be looked at from a much lower point?

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Is It News Though?

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