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Alternative To Warner Hotels

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hc4361 | 13:40 Sat 09th Nov 2019 | Travel
11 Answers
My parents enjoy the type of break that this hotel chain provides but have done them all many times and fancy a change.
Is there any other UK hotel that provides entertainment every evening, daytime activities and is preferably adult only?
They enjoyed Potters in Great Yarmouth but that's a bit far for them to travel these days.


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Many hotels with entertainments are owned by tour operators, such as these:

Or Saga UK

Otherwise there's Pontins or Butlins etc which might be worth looking at as they offer similar set ups to Potters.

I loved the Grand Hotel in Scarborough (out of season when we went) part of the Britannia group
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Thanks for that, Maydep. They would never consider Butlins or Pontins. When they went to Potters they stayed in the hotel, not the chalets, and it was term time so adults only.
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Thanks for that, Mally, although my parents enjoy the Warner activities such as the crossbow, rifles and archery - and the quizzes. Difficult to find alternatives especially as they now want something more central, like the Grand at Scarborough
I was also going to suggest Britannia Hotels:

They're really cheap but surprisingly good. I stayed in the one in Folkestone for one night and then spent the next day interviewing people on the coastal path nearby. I got to speak to lots of people who were staying in the hotel and they'd got nothing but praise for it.

However I'm not sure whether it was the hotel or the travel company that was actually providing the nightly entertainment. Everyone I spoke to was booked with National Holidays, who offer coach holidays from the Midlands, the North of England and from Scotland. As an example of their prices, a 5-day break at the Grand Hotel in Scarborough in May, inclusive of coach travel from Manchester, 4 nights dinner, bed and breakfast, cabaret entertainment and an excursion to the North Yorkshire Moors and Whitby, is priced at £199 per person:

Alfa travel do coach tours that use hotels .mostly aimed at an older market. Not too upmarket but entertainment in their own hotels
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Thanks, all
Why not take a look at Shearings they do the type of break that may suit. They also own National holidays and a few others that do evening entertainment.
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Thanks for that, shedman. They've been on a few Shearings holidays as they are very cheap but the hotels are rundown and there are no daytime activities. They tend to use them for last minute breaks when the weather promises to be good :)
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