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Keith Aitkens Crossword Last 1

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gordiescotland1 | 00:56 Sat 30th Jan 2021 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Hi there I am stuck on the last one of Keith Aitken Crossword
29d Cairngorm Visitor Attraction
C-I-E (5)
Many thanks for your help


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Not a great "link", but the best I can find.

Full clue should read " Cairngorm visitor attraction ????? Cas"

Coire Cas
Even evening eyes in Scot’s e?n
Even evening eyes in Scot’s e?n
Angry dispute or argument especially at stair-Heid R??mi?
Awa wi’ it byte aff his heid ? o?a?e

For Mickey02




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Keith Aitkens Crossword Last 1

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