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Cockney Rhyming Slang.

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sandyRoe | 08:28 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

How does 'slims' become Muslims?



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When TTT uses it.

I don't think that has anything whatsoever to do with cockneys...

so the question is moot

It isn't CRS.

It's removing the start of the word.

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It wouldn't really work if you chopped the last two letters off.

I think that's been reserved for cereal killers.

'alpen you're right.

it's not cockney rhymming slang, like Rabs.

It's the end part of "Muslims" in a similar way to "Prod" morphing from the "Prot" in "Protestant".

I can't say I've seen it used elsewhere mind.

Someone else used 'slims' once before I saw TTT use it.  Only the once though,  I can't remember who that was,  Perhaps TTT picked it up there.

What's Rabs?

YoungMF uses it, too. No doubt one has copied t'other.

I'm guessing you need to add the letter 'A' to 'Rabs', Naomi.

Thanks Ken.  How daft.

TORATORATORA is a Pean or he could be a Ton or a Lishman...

what good does it a man to know what TTT;s latest word salad means?

TTT is a Pean or he could be a Ton or a Lishman..

erm cd he be a wat? - after wat tyler revolutionist of 1381? good night everyone

"I can't say I've seen it used elsewhere mind."

Some years back a group of my contemporaries would refer to their parents and the "rents".

Many words have been shortened but I've not seen Muslim shortened to "Slim" on the sites I've looked at.

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