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Am I The Bad Guy, Or Was My Friend Just Being A Crybaby?

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Confused3499443 | 18:23 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
12 Answers

Hi everyone, I hope you don't mind an American being on your forum. I'm a long-time lurker and first-time poster, so thanks for having me. Let me know if this is not the right place to post this.


I (28M) have pretty awful OCD and am on the spectrum, and I happen to be good friends with a woman named Angela (36F). I'm madly in love with her, and I'm actually pretty obsessed with her. She used to protect me from bullies back when I was a kid, and she mentored me as I grew and became a man. We even went to the same university (albeit during different years)!

This past July, Angie and I went on a hike together. It was just the two of us. She was getting hot, so before the hike, she took her shirt off and left it at her house, so for the entire day, she was wearing nothing but a very low-cut, spaghetti strap sports bra and her running shorts. I got really turned on by her half-naked body, so I couldn’t help but hit on her and make sexual comments about her. I started making these sexual comments to her pretty much as soon as she took her shirt off. She began to sweat heavily even before we started the hike, and she acted pretty jumpy around me during our hike.

Eventually, about an hour into our hike, we realized that we were lost and that we had no idea where we were. When we realized this, Angela started to cry, and she couldn’t stop crying and sweating for hours and hours. She was terrified. Despite this, I continued to make sexual comments about her shirtless body because I couldn’t control my libido. After several hours, she eventually started screaming and begging somebody to get her out of there. She also begged me to stay away from her and to not touch her. And indeed, I didn’t lay a hand on her during our entire hike. By the time we figured out where we were again and got back to the car, Angela was a disheveled, nervous wreck.

My question is: did I mess up, or was Angie just being a crybaby? Or were we both at fault?


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If this is true, and it's a pretty big IF, it was entirely completely and utterly your fault and I hope that she never sets eyes on you, again.

Question Author

I know it all sounds pretty bad...but all this really did happen. I couldn't really control my sexuality around Angie that day.

Well, I hope that Angie stays a long way away from you; and you need to seek professional medical advice to control your urges or you will be a real danger to any woman in your orbit who 'trips' your libido.

You say you 'became a man'.  You didn't.  You're what's known as a creep - and that's nothing to be proud of.

Couldn't control your libido?

Sounds like the defence of a rapist.

Spot on Naomi, what a creep, no respect or consideration for the unfortunate girl.  The me-me-me generation personified.

Jackthehat was right in the first post. It's not real.

sounds like a wind up to me.

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But surely every "first post" is going to shew those sort of timings ?

. . . . . . . and if it's a wind-up that just makes him another kind of creep anyway.

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