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Swan Breaking Arm

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andy-hughes | 09:35 Fri 15th Apr 2022 | Animals & Nature
16 Answers
Was the myth that a Swan can break a person's arm started by Enid Blyton, or was it around before she put it in one of her stories about a cruel boy who got a taste of his own medicine?


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In that link, I particularly like Dizzle’s reply:
‘ I work with a guy whose college classmates were brutally assaulted by swans multiple times per year. They had to build snow forts to keep the swans at bay. They would break multiple students arms and legs per year. Be careful!’

Multiple times a year! I’m guessing these weren’t PHD students.
a myth is a story / statement that has wider meaning. What goes around comes around. Animals allow us to approach, it is not ou right. A mother will protect its young, or whatever greater meaning you have selected

so it is not a myth. sorry to do a Naomi on you over this

There is a parallel in an ostrich can break a man's leg. As a science fact ( which cant be a myth)

This was current at least 50 y ago. Saucy undergrads, tired of playing 'dead ant' in a pub, would play BAML
select a stranger and engage him in conversation
and try to get him say - an ostrich can break a man's leg!

they would yell BAML ! BAML ! and make him buy a round

what fun we had then

so I go for 50 y

Makes no sense? never been in a pub? dont know what an ostrich is? then put it down as a myth
People, once upon a time used to eat swans,
Just saying.
People still eat swans, just not generally in the UK
My dad had a couple of geese and the gander broke his arm.
A Swan once broke my heart - Michelle Swan. Hair the colour of straw, eyes the colour of emeralds and legs up to her armpits. I was 12, she was 15 and when i asked if she'd be my girlfriend, she laughed and said no. My first broken heart:-(
pp What is a Naomi???
I wish that I had known this when I was attacked by a massive Swan. My dog, the big brave lad, was cowering behind me but still barking away. If he hadn't tried to chase it ...

roo, did the goose cause your dad to fall over?
barry, I can't remember if the gander knocked dad over, it was a long time ago. He had them as security alarms as he lived in a very rural area. They weren't supposed to attack the arm that fed them!
For the same reasons that a swan can't break a man's arm, a goose can't either, roo. They can be very aggressive, though, and cause somebody to fall and break a limb.
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