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Guardian Prize 29470

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Blackhawker | 13:44 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

Trying to fit in Wonderwall (10) but looks like I've made a cockup, can't seem to fit it in anywhere! Any help much appreciated! Thank you.



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It's split - 22d (6) + 22a (4)

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......thank you Lie-in King!

You're welcome 😊

Can someone give me a hint as to what goes in to 38 down? I have ?u?L?E and no idea which of the unnumbered clues refers to it. Thanks.

38 D is 4,2  and is part of the last Unnumbered clues. Oh, but your E is wrong...

Thanks, but the only answer which seems to fit with that I have placed at 13a - well done, Maskarade - I admit defeat!

13a (6) + 61d (6)

38d (4,2) + 54a (7)

The first is paired with 13d (3,3) (anagram 4)

The second is paired with 29d (5) (anagram 14)

I assumed it was an Oasis theme but if I'm now right it's not Oasis but still musical  

Thanks, but now have the knock on effect of having several other interlocking answers being wrong!

Hopefully this'll help (if I've typed it correctly!) -

Anag 1 - 36d (5) + 26a (5)
2 - 11a (6) + 1d (6) + 64a (5,1,4)
3 - 57d (7) + 35d (8)
4 - as above
5 - 27d (3,4) + 7d (3,4)
6 - 46a (3) + 68a (2,4) + 53a (3)
7 - 51d (4,5) + 45a (4)
8 - 40a (5,5) + 32a (4)
9 - 60a (5, 6) + 58d (2,2,3)
10 - 15a (4,6) + 23a (7)
11 - 41d (5) + 22d (6) + 22a (4)
12 - 34a (5) + 33a (5) + 67d (2,2)
13 - 63d (5) + 52a (5) + 3d (7)
14 - as above

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Guardian Prize 29470

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