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Does Anyone Read The ‘Classics’ Any More?

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naomi24 | 14:27 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Arts & Literature
25 Answers

This question was prompted by someone asking for book recommendations.  I have a friend who's an avid reader but has never read the Brontes, Dickens, Jane Austen, etc, and sticks solely to current novels.  Have you read the 'oldies' - and if not, why not?  I don't understand why anyone wouldn't.  They've all stood the test of time so they must have quite a lot going for them.



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/// I guess it may be to do with thinking novels are a waste of time, irrelevant in today's world,///

That's precisely what I thought in my younger days. Then in late middle age I studied E Lit with the OU, and found out differently. Even very ancient fiction like The Iliad had its place.

Yes, I'm sure it's true Canary, but whether I can bring myself to sit down and take in "The Iliad" is another story.  I think impatience and lack of self discipline probably has a lot to do with it!


////  I used to enjoy Thomas Hardy a lot though not many others did. ////

Hardy can be very depressing with a rather pessimistic outlook on the human condition, for example :-

Heroine ending up on the scaffold (Tess of the D'Urbervilles)

A child murdering his siblings "Done because we are too menny [sic]" (Jude the Obscure).

In fact, Jude's whole life seems perpetual misery.  Hardy apparently denied any autobiographical content, although some critics thought otherwise.

Even bookworms like me find some Hardy unreadable, Canary.

I haven't read any books for ages. I think modern media (TV) has ruined my ability to concentrate.

I have the complete works of Jane Asten (unopened).

I've read all Orwell's books but not recently.

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Does Anyone Read The ‘Classics’ Any More?

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