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The Times 29010

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TioMateo | 12:51 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

1)  PLayer who gives the crowd nothing to celebrate? (9)              T?A?E?I??  Why is this TRAGEDIAN?


2) Ordered to go cycling around secluded place (4) N?S?  Why is this NEST? (assuming the S is correct).


3)  What warranted punishment and whar carries charge? (9)    Why is this DESERTION? (assuming the S is correct).



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There's been discussion elesewhere, mainly settling on these being not very good clues!2. Ordered gives Sent, that word 'cycling', moving around becomes Nest,secluded place.1 A Tragedian works, appears, only in tragedies, so there's nothing to celebrate, delight in etc.
12:55 Tue 03rd Sep 2024

There's been discussion elesewhere, mainly settling on these being not very good clues!

2. Ordered gives Sent, that word 'cycling', moving around becomes Nest,secluded place.

1 A Tragedian works, appears, only in tragedies, so there's nothing to celebrate, delight in etc.

I agree, poor clues.  I couldn't make much from 'desertion' other than an 'ion' carries charge.  It might be a stab at an &lit type clue ("and literally so"), where the clue as a whole functions as the definition & wordplay, but... 🤨 🤷‍♂️

Thanks, Lie-In King. I'd have thought better of 3 if it hadn't had the charge, 'ion' bit added on! It was as if the setter couldn't decide what sort of clue to give...

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