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Real Estate

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dannygoodwin41 | 15:34 Thu 03rd Mar 2022 | Business & Finance
7 Answers
What is the best way to invest in real estate?? What are the best strategies for making money in real estate??


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buy cheap / sell dear
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It depends on how much money you have. If you have enough money to buy an apartment or a house, it can be the first step. You buy this house, rent it out, do some basic maintenance and get passive income.
Fewer and fewer people can afford to buy a house now, and you will always have someone who will want to rent your house. I would suggest going for old houses that companies like Flagship Builders renewed. They are way cheaper than the new ones but are good, and you will not have to waste money on any repairing. You will get a basically new house that would look really nice, and lots of people would want to live there.
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