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What does Gunter glieben glauchen globen mean?

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liamylime | 20:40 Wed 19th Apr 2006 | Adverts
6 Answers
From the Def Leppard song...


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'Gunter glieben glauchen globen' is originally from Def Leppard's "Rock of Ages" and according to the Def Leppard FAQ, it's total gibberish.

It is also the opening line to "Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)" by Offspring.

There are those that have said it's german for "walking silently through the forest", but if it is german, only the word glieben translates at all (believed).

I'm inclined to the school of thought that says it's Robert John "Mutt" Lange's gibberish alternative to "one, two, three, four" as an intro.

Removal of the 'g's from each word renders them into actual German words but the phrase remains gibberish - something along the lines of "under dear allium praise".
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