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Why Fear Of Death Doesn't Stop Them.......

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ToraToraTora | 13:18 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | News
7 Answers

Why doesn't "Ezzo" explain what is so dangerous about France or indeed all the other safe countries he passed through? He said "people keep comming because they are looking for peace" - Well I don't think France etc are at war are they?



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//...will spend just a few days in the squalid camps around Calais and Dunkirk.//


Perhaps if we housed them in squalid camps, as France seems to find acceptable, they might not be so keen to come here.

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I assume if they actually apply in France etc they have a similar process to us. They must put them up in hotels etc.

Are these camps self created or are they walled in & provided by the French government ? The former I'd suspect.

So his excuses hold no validity. They aren't fleeing war, they do have a choice, they could disperse in France, or any other country they passed through, just as easily as they could in the UK. It's all BS.

They CHOOSE to risk the trip as they can't seem to comprehend the risk, and the situation they deliberately create, nor how invading another's country is a bad thing to do.


But worse, the present UK government has deliberately scrapped the one thing tried by the last government  which seemed to have an effect on this issue (ask the RoI) and are presently rearing about pretending a new border force can go across the Channel and sort out the criminal gangs. The only thing criminal about that is the ridiculous claim they expect people to swallow;  but no doubt it'll please the new French PM who'll look favourably on making the post-Brexit UK/EU relationship even worse than it already is, with our PM's approval.

These Express articles are behind a pay wall.

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not for me

Oh please Ezzo, I'm welling up here, no more I beg you.


Sorry, not welling up, throwing up.

No pay wall for me either. I'm blessed.

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