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Oh, The Irony

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Canary42 | 15:23 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
30 Answers

I wonder if the Aber whose avatar labels Starmer as the Enemy of the People is aware of the source of the quote - Ibsen's play of that name where the eponymous guy is in fact the play's hero who saves the townsfolk from disaster.



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19:13 can you not see who started this and has not even returned to the thread? Yet you still defend the indefensible.

... and you are completely innocent?🤣


TTT. You're a bore. Get over it!

19:36 yes I merely pointed out that canary was quoting the wrong source.

Why should TTT get over it?


Canary was wrong (natch), TTT was pointed out Canary was wrong, and was then accused of bullying Canary.


TTT was right to defend his position. TTT was correct, Canary and Wolf were wrong.

Funny how gutless the left are, canary has not returned to his thread. A man of principle would apologise.

Oh dear, still pretendy miffed.

I'm not sure where to put this but here seems as good a place as any...

11:02 Well if Canary ever plucks up enough courage to come back to his thread he should make that BA!

What a childish thread this has turned into by the usual gang of sad lost in the wilderness Tory supporters that can not get over the sad loss of their up creek Tory Govt .Especially TTT   saying "I never start it,I usually finish it .canary started it. Neh neh neh ,,,,still in the playground  Eh.😎

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