muscle or fat in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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muscle or fat

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welshwil | 15:53 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
which is heavier?
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I believe muscle is heavier than fat.

Muscle, definately. If you are really bothered about how much you weigh don't overdo the workouts ;o)
they both weigh the same !!! It is just that muscle is denser than fat hence you turn fat into muscle and you stay the same weight but you look more compact.
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im not overweight just would like to put on a stone or two
muscle is much heavier than fat - plus it is not possible to turn fat into muscle they are two very seperate types of tissue, one can be reduced and another increased but one cannot turn into the other...
ned's right, one isn't heavier than the other, but muscle is denser.

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muscle or fat

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